
I have come to Dee many times for guidance for two years now. She uses my chart, her intuitive gifts and deep spiritual wisdom to channel messages that serve me on my life path as an artist and human. I leave my sessions with Dee with clarity, and a clearer path forward.

Working with Dee while I work on a project feels like having the cosmic forecast in advance so I know to bring an umbrella. What I enjoy most about our sessions is how Dee cuts right to it with intuitive sharpness that all at once feels tough and gentle.

One time I called fed up with my love life, and she said: " What's this book around you?" I was indeed working on my first book, and hadn't found my way back to it in a month. We came up with a game plan that made me feel enthusiastic for putting the book back in my consciousness.

Dee is the real deal and will guide you back to your path, and empower you with spiritual homework that will bring you back into alignment with your highest good. I can't recommend her enough.

Arielle D.

“Dee is a bright light! I’ve turned to Dee for intuitive guidance many times over the years. After I’ve had a phone session with Dee, my path ahead is much clearer. She’s one of the best! During an appointment, Dee weaves together her skills as a compassionate empath, astrologer, diviner, spiritual wisdom keeper, healthy wise woman and more to be a guide on your life path. Her heart centered approach have been a blessing in my life! I’m looking forward to more sessions in the years to come with Dee! My thanks always my friend!”

Beth L., Healer

Dee is a talented, caring, gifted psychic reader and spiritual coach. Her wealth of knowledge on spiritual teachings and traditions coupled with her effortless wisdom make her readings deep and meaningful. Booking a session with her can change your life for the better in ways you never imagined and help you discover blocks and strengths you didn't know you had. I highly recommend it!

Devan S., Author

Dee Morrison's explanation of my chart and insights into past, influencing situations was spot on.  She was able to suggest both opportune times to move forward and specific aspects to focus on within my stated goals.  I feel empowered armed with this knowledge.

Judith L.

My reading with Dee was an unexpected breath of fresh air.  I had been troubled by a painful situation with some family members and without knowing any details Dee was able to clarify the situation and the "players", and helped me navigate my troubled situation within myself.  Talking to her is like talking to a friend I've known for many lifetimes.  That friend who drapes a warm blanket over your shoulders and holds your hands, and validates your feelings while still being completely honest about the things you need to hear in order to heal.  I cannot wait for my next reading.  
Intellectual honesty-integrity-and Compassion-that is Dee.

I often say Dee Morrison is one of the wisest people I know and one of the first people I go to when I have a challenge. She is always willing to look at the situation and then interpret the cards AND recommend an appropriate book to read or website to check out. To me that means not only is she looking at the current issue but she is teaching the student to improve themselves. She has a multitude of tools in her toolbox to coach me and offers different options. In over 20 years I have learned not to question what she is seeing. I may want something else, but it proves that her assessment is always correct.

Pamela D. 

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