Thursday, March 11, 2021

Saturday 13 March 2021

Welcome friends to your astrological forecast for Saturday 13 March 2021.

The New Moon arrives Saturday at 2:21 AM PST, at 23 degrees of Pisces. We are a beat off as this should be the New Moon in Aries. But if you have noticed the last couple of New Moons have been in the latter degree of the signs. Never the less, it's really happy birthday season for Aries natives! 😊

Next, the Moon forms a sextile to Pluto at 8:38 AM PST and then the Moon is void of course until 3:44 PM PST. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters during the void period! This Moon transit is great for charisma, confidence, courage, optimism, passion, rebirth and self-esteem--to name a few things...

Venus conjoins Neptune at 8:07 PM PST and idealistic love, high vibrational/spiritual love is the order of the day. Vibing with someone who truly gets you now is ideal. Just don't put unrealistic expectations into the mix, as that will only lead to problems.

And that, as I like to say, is that!

We are beginning a new lunar cycle and if you would like to know what that means for you personally, you can schedule a personal session with me here.

Happy new lunar cycle, take care and I will see you here again tomorrow!


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