Thursday, March 18, 2021

Saturday 20 March 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 20 March 2021.

The Spring Equinox arrives Saturday at 2:37 AM PDT ushering in Spring officially and a balance between the day and night hours for the time being. Happy Spring!

Legal situations, projects that require expansive growth and dealings with people at or from a distance all sort of get a boost when the Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 11:14 AM PDT. See the next aspect.

Tricky, deceptive and just plain weird situations are likely when the Moon forms a square to Neptune at 11:20 AM PDT. I would forgo starting new projects or engaging in anything important now or the rest of today, because ladies and gents, this is the last aspect of the day. 😑

It's kind of a bummer, but tomorrow has a gaggle of aspects, so hopefully your plans can find a sweet spot to be done under. And if you could use more personalized info, schedule a private session with me and together we will get things sorted out for you.

Thanks for being here. Have a fabulous weekend and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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