Friday, March 19, 2021

Sunday 21 March 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 21 March 2021.

We have a really short void period when the Moon squares Venus at 5:04 AM PDT. This is immediately followed by the Moon entering Cancer at 5:17 AM PDT. All things related to protection, home, family, children and intuition are in the spotlight during this Moon transit.

Next Venus enters Aries at 7:16 AM PDT and our love nature becomes more open and forceful. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and can be somewhat self focused. The more positive aspect of this transit is that we take action, are charismatic and confident. And that's not all bad!

The First Quarter Moon arrives at 7:40 AM PDT and the idea here is, again, not to be overly pushy. Things concerning home and family could become problematic, so be prepared.

Mercury sextile Uranus at 4:35 PM PDT gives a gentle boost to social media chat, communications and tech work.

Later we take disciplined action when Mars forms a trine to Saturn at 7:35 PM PDT. This could look like onerous work situations that require a lot of vitality/energy or it could be you roll up your sleeves and get a lot done. Attitude might be the deciding factor with regards to how things ultimately go down.

A gentle boost to all things unusual including gaming and tech work is what the Moon sextile Uranus at 10:02 PM PDT brings. There could also be some shocks/surprises with this aspect.

Communications get another boost when the Moon forms a trine to Mercury at 10:46 PM PDT. Take care of business tasks, correspondence, or come up with some ingenious ideas for key projects when this aspect arrives.

And that's a wrap on what is likely to be a busy day.

If you have some challenges you'd like to sort out, schedule a session with me here. And I will see you back here tomorrow for another look at what's up astrologically. See you then!


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