Friday, March 26, 2021

Sunday 28 March 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 28 March 2021.

Venus conjoins Chiron at 9:28 AM PDT encouraging us to do healing work around love and money matters. Meditation, Reiki and other healing modalities are ideal now.

The Full Moon arrives at 11:48 AM PDT (at eight degrees of Libra) and those folks who have planets at or around eight degrees of Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, and Cancer will probably personally feel the effects of this Full Moon. Note the Sun, Chiron and Venus are all at eight degrees of Aries too, now. 

The Moon in opposition to Venus at 12:55 PM PDT (see what I mean) requires a delicate balance for love and money matters. Think diplomatically and then act is probably what's best.

Plan on getting things done when the Moon forms a discipline encouraging trine to Saturn at 4:21 PM PDT. Activities involving authority, ambition, endurance, luck, and patience benefit from this aspect.

A Moon trine to Mars at the unforutnate hour of 10:12 PM PDT could become a sleep deterrent, so have a sleep aid handy. Ambitious, hardy souls might consider working on projects that require determination, drive, strength, and assertive action now.

And that's a wrap for Sunday.

Still waiting for that dream partner or success to come your way? Schedule an appointment with me and let's make some things happen for you!

Thanks so much for joining me here. I deeply appreciate it and you and I will see you back here tomorrow! 


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