Sunday, March 28, 2021

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 31 March 2021.

The Moon forms a trine to Neptune at 8:58 AM PDT making it a bit hard to get out of bed possibly, but great for meditation, listening to music or doing a little dance workout.

Later we might be a bit over enthusiastic and overspend, over eat, or just generally over do things when the Moon forms a square to Jupiter at 11:52 AM PDT. We can also run into obstacles related to legal concerns, people who live at or from a distance, higher education matters or travel issues.

Communications get a major boost when the Moon forms a trine to Mercury at 1:35 PM PDT. Remember me saying yesterday that if you needed to communicate about something, today would be the day? Well, here's the aspect for you! You can take care of correspondence, all communications, deal with anything that requires skill, study, speed, or writing/mental abilities as well.

Disciplined creativity is the keyword when the Sun forms a sextile to Saturn at 2:04 PM PDT. Anything involving discipline, defense, endurance, knowledge, or lesssons also works. 

The Moon forms a sextile to Pluto at 5:29 PM PDT and then it is void of course until 10:59 PM PDT when it enters Sagittarius. Again foreign travel, dealings with people at or from a distance, activities involving charisma, confidence, learning or sports or favored with this Moon transit.

And that's a wrap for Wednesday.

Ready to make that leap and make some things happen, but not sure exactly sure what the correct path is for you? Schedule a session with me and get moving while the year is still young!

Wishing you a remarkable Wednesday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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