Friday, April 16, 2021

Monday 19 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 19 April 2021.

We kick things off with Mercury entering Taurus at 3:29 AM PDT. Our thoughts and communications focus on money and other things/situations that we value during this transit. This is a great time to get the word out about that business you have, contracts, or anything related to teaching.

Meditation is a good thing when the Moon forms a trine to Neptune at 7:56 AM PDT. Music dance and art also benefit from this aspect.

Happy Birthday Taurus as the Sun enters Taurus at 1:33 PM PDT! 😀

Later the Moon forms an opposition to Pluto at 5:03 PM PDT and then is immediately void of course. As always, avoid engaging in important matters while the Moon is void.

The Moon finally enters Leo at 11:10 PM PDT. This transit is great for creative projects, children and romance (ooo, la la!).

We finish the day with the First Quarter Moon arriving at 11:59 PM PDT (at 0 degrees and 26 minutes of Leo). Obstacles and challenges are likely for those with planets at or near 1 degree of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus, so eyes wide open for the next day or so.

And that's a wrap for Monday.

Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places...during a pandemic year? Let's get things sorted out for you. Schedule a session with me and let's kick your romantic life back into gear!

Wishing you a magnificent Monday and I will see you back here again tomorrow!


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