Friday, April 2, 2021

Sunday 4 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecst for Sunday 4 April 2021.

The Last Quarter Moon arrives at 3:02 AM PDT (at 14 degrees of Capricorn) and obstacles related to career, bosses, discipline, priorities, professionalism and prosperity could be an issue now.

Later we potentially run into love and money trouble when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 7:33 AM PDT. We're likely to have issues around business, contracts and relationships (in general) now too.

The last aspect of the day is a Moon sextile to Neptune at 2:55 PM PDT. It gives a gentle boost to art, music, and spiritual activities activities such as meditation.

And that's it for Sunday!

Looking for Ms. or Mr. Right? Not sure if your current partner is the right for one for you? Schedule a session with me and let's get things sorted out for you.

Wishing you a peaceful, easy Sunday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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