Saturday, April 3, 2021

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 6 April 2021.

Night shift workers will need to be prepared to keep their noses to the grindstone when the Moon conjoins Saturn at 3:32 AM PDT. Anyone else who happens to be up can work on things related to personal ambition, authority, business, debts, or institutions. 

Venus sextile Mars at 4:17 AM PDT might be good for a bit of morning romance--if you're up at that hour or are east of PDT, that is. But do take care not to get too heavy handed with spending now.

The Moon sextile the Sun at 1:40 PM PDT enhances our creative and intuitive abilities, but with a gentle boost, not a huge one. 

If you missed missed the romantic opportunity earlier today you have a second chance when the Moon trines Mars at 6:55 PM PDT. Any activity that requires drive, endurance, energy, passion, or aggressive action benefits from this aspect as well.

Use a light touch in romantic and money matters when the Moon forms a sextile to Venus at 7:43 PM PDT and you can finish up the day in a positive way. 😊

And that's all for Tuesday folks!

Ready to make some sudden changes or shifts? Schedule a session with me here and let's get things moving for you this Spring!

Thanks for hanging out with me here, I appreciate it and you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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