Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Friday 7 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 7 May 2021.

It's a mixed bag of aspects today that starts with the Moon forming a sextile to Venus at 12:36 AM PDT and then immediately being void of course until 4:52 AM PDT when it enters Aries. Aries transits are great for boldness, charisma, confidence, independence, and creative energy.

Quite a bit later at 6:00 PM PDT the Moon forms a sextile to Mercury giving us a teeny boost with communications, correspondence, inspiration, and quick wit!

And then the Moon forms a square to Mars at 10:35 PM PDT. Frustrations and anger are likely. This is a great time to go to slow down or just go to bed and call it a day. Don't engage with anger management types as obstacles are likely to encourage some to take out their anger on whoever crosses their path.

Let's call it a day, shall we? 

Do you need to check Thursday's aspects? You can do that here. And if you would like to schedule a session with me, you can do that here!

Wishing you a quiet, easy day and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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