Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sunday 23 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 23 May 2021.

We get off to an awkward, hot start with the Moon square Mars at 12:51 AM PDT. Beware of potential conflicts, obstacles and arguments in the later evening hours Sunday and save yourself some trouble. Just don't engage. 

Saturn stations retrograde at 2:19 AM PDT and stalls business and career situations, along with ambitions, dealings with institutions, and politics. Yay. Saturn stations direct 10 October at 7:17 PM PDT. To see all the upcoming retrogrades, click here.

Take care of key communications when the Moon forms a trine to Mercury at 8:59 AM PDT. This aspect also supports business, change, finances, love and money! There's a bit of trickster energy with Mercury, so just keep that in mind...

The Moon squares Pluto at 2:36 PM PDT and is then void of course. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters during the void period until the Moon enters Scorpio at 8:00 PM PDT. Leadership, mysticism, passion, power and sex are all supported during this Moon transit.

Our skies are wide open and expansive when the Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 9:37 PM PDT. Take care of legal concerns, foreign travel plans, higher education and dealings with people at or from a distance during this transit.

And that's a wrap for Sunday.

Need a reminder about Saturday's aspects? You will find them here. I am due to have my second Covid shot on the 21st and am more than likely out of it for a bit. But as soon as I am on my feet again, I will take appointments. You can check the schedule here.

Take care and I will see you next time!


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