Friday, May 7, 2021

Sunday 9 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 9 May 2021.

We run into problems first thing Sunday when the Moon squares Pluto at 10:16 AM PDT. Obstacles and challenges with powerful people or just people who want to throw their weight around are likely now. Your best bet is to wait till a more suitable aspect comes along to press forward on your plans.

A sextile between the Moon and Jupiter occurs at 3:50 PM PDT and then the Moon is void of course until 4:46 PM PDT when it enters Taurus in preparation for Tuesday's New Moon in said sign. Projects requiring endurance, crafts, gardening, luxury purchases, or just wealth in general benefit from this transit.

And that is all for Sunday!

Did you miss Saturday's aspects? You will find them here and if you need to schedule a session with me, do so here.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I deeply appreciate it and I wish you a most excellent New Moon week!


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