Saturday, May 15, 2021

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 18 May 2021.

The Moon in Leo forms a sextile to Venus at 3:43 AM PDT gives a gentle boost to love, money, beauty rituals, friendship and gardening work.

A little while later the Moon forms a square to Uranus at 4:04 AM PDT and we can run into problems with all things tech related. Better to take a step back for now and try again later in the the day. There may also be unhelpful shocks and or surprising news at this time.

Venus sextile Chiron at 4:44 AM PDT offers us a period to do some healing work around love relationships and financial concerns. Healing our wounds in these areas allows us to start fresh and not carry old baggage into new situations. Take some time to meditate on past relationships and consider what you will do differently in the future.

Diplomacy is your best bet when the Moon forms an opposition to Saturn at 7:29 AM PDT. This is especially so when dealing with bosses or those you work with in business, authority figures, or when dealing with debts that need to be paid by you or back to you.

Much later our communications get a gentle boost when the Moon forms a sextile to Mercury at 7:55 PM PDT. This aspect also gives a boost to dealings concerning contracts, correspondence, money concerns or if you're teaching/studying.

And that's a wrap for Tuesday!

Do you need a reminder about Monday's aspects? You will find those aspects here. And if I can be of service to you with a reading or Reiki, you can schedule yourself here.

Have a great day and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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