Friday, June 25, 2021

Divination 27 June 2021

Welcome friends to your divination report for Sunday 27 June 2021.

If we cut to the chase friends/lovers, word on the street and documents or letters all cause an ending or death (heart, birds, letter, coffin).

What's left is the path of a sneaky, untrustworthy person (path, fox, snake). This individual is attempting to change their path to stability (path, stork, anchor). Needless to say, based on how things end--going forward it doesn't go as intended.

And that's it for this week's news.

Need to see what Sunday's aspects look like? You will find them here. And if you would like to take a look at your personal path to stability, schedule a private session with me here.

Thank you so much for joining me here--as always, I deeply appreciate it! Take care, be safe and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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