Thursday, June 3, 2021

Saturday 5 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 5 June 2021.

It's a busy day with a void period and five not so hot aspects, so let's make a start. We begin with the only really decent aspect, a Moon sextile to Mercury, at 8:56 AM PDT. This gives a gentle boost to business, communications and correspondence. And then things start to slide downhill.

Mercury square Neptune at 12:05 PM PDT puts a knot in our communications. And if something seems off or funky with communications now, it probably is. Allow important communications to wait because you probably won't get the information you need or what you do get will be dubious at best.

Avoid arguments when Mars opposes Pluto at 12:45 PM PDT. When these two face off things can go badly, very quickly. Mind your manners and your words and avoid anger management types now, especially if they seem like they're spoiling for a fight.

Later it gets even dicier when the Moon squares off with Pluto at 3:37 PM PDT. Obstacles with people who wield power--or anyone else, are best left alone for now. Blockages are rerouting opportunies, so wait for the opportune moment to make your move. 

Hint: there's no time today that is the opportune moment.

The Moon forms a feisty, obstructed square to Mars at 3:47 PM PDT and is then void of course. You can see what I mean about today's energies not being especially hot--unless you mean anger inducing. Avoid getting into arguments and disagreements at all costs now. Also avoid engaging in important matters until after 10:46 PM PDT.

Phew! That was a whole lot of not so great energy. 

If you need to review the aspects for Friday, you will find them here. And if it's time to see how to put your best financial foot (or any other goal) forward, schedule a session with me here. 

Stay cool, calm and collected and I will see you tomorrow! 


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