Friday, July 23, 2021

Sunday 25 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 25 July 2021.

Mercury opposes Pluto at 1:15 PM PDT and you may find someone trying to intimidate you or otherwise flex their muscles. Employ diplomacy and avoid getting into post Full Moon trauma if at all possible.

Later the Moon opposes Mars, another feisty aspect that could stir up trouble, but this time the Moon is immediately void of course at 4:14 PM PDT, so you really don't want to engage anyone in debates or arguments now. Avoid engaging in all important matters until the Moon enters Pisces at 8:30 PM PDT. Activities related to art, romance, privacy, psychic awareness and spiritual inspiration are supported by this Moon transit.

Optimism reigns when the Moon conjoins Jupiter at 8:56 PM PDT. Enjoy activities related to travel, legal concerns, dealings with people at or from a distance or higher education now.

And that's all for Sunday.

Need to check out Saturday's aspects? Check them out here. And if you're wondering where your personal good fortune lies, schedule a session with me here. I look forward to serving you.

Thank you for being here--you're deeply appreciate and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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