Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday 6 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 6 August 2021.

The Moon forms a sextile to Venus at 2:17 AM PDT which gives a gentle boost to business, love, money, attraction work and social matters.

Later the Moon trine Neptune at 10:43 AM PDT gives a major boost to art, music, meditation/spirituality work, issues of justice, movies and ESP work.

The Moon in opposition to Pluto at 3:11 PM PDT is immediately void--avoid treading on the toes of people in power or engaging in important activities until the Moon enters Leo at 12:31 AM PDT Saturday.

The Sun square Uranus at 4:57 PM PDT ties a knot in unusual activities, tech work and gaming--and that's in addition to the lovely void Moon period we're dealing with. Maybe watch a movie or two and call it a day.

Wishng you had a way to know exactly where your opportunities lie? Schedule a session with me and we will get you some clarity with regards to where opportunity is knocking for you. And if you missed Thursday's aspects, catch them here.

Thanks so much for riding shot gun with me. I appreciate having you along for the ride and I will catch you back here tomorrow!


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