Friday, July 23, 2021

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 28 July 2021.

The Moon finally enters Aries at 2:58 AM PDT and all things involving competition, assertiveness, idealisism, leadership oriented or requiring self esteem are in focus for a couple of days.

The Moon trine Mercury at 4:42 AM PDT arrives very early, but you might want to see to any important communications you have pending if you're east of PDT.

Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius at 5:42 AM PDT and we have a somewhat lopsided expansive energy for all things technology oriented. And while group and friends oriented activities are also in focus, while Jupiter is retrograde I wouldn't use this transit as an automatic green light to purchase new equipment or become friendly with those you don't know very well.

The Moon trine the Sun at 2:19 PM PDT gives a boost to activities involving romance, children, creative projects and showmanship.

Later, discipline oriented activities get a gentle boost when the Moon forms a sextile to Saturn at 10:53 PM PDT. Business concerns, dealings with authority figures, and dealings with institutions also receive a gentle boost from this aspect. 

And that's all for Wednesday.

Wishing you had a way to know which choice would give you the outcome you desire? Schedule a session with me here and let's see how things stack up for you. And if you missed Tuesday's aspects, you will find them here.

Have a fabulous Wednesday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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