Friday, August 27, 2021

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 31 August 2021.

Fluctuations around issues of creativity and discipline are likely when the Sun forms a quincunx to Saturn at 1:46 AM PDT. Old man Saturn likes caution, disciplined action and is a bit of a task master. So, give it your all if you're up working at this hour.

A sleep disrupting square between the Moon and Mars at 3:36 AM PDT adds more trouble and frustration if you're up and working at this hour. Obstacles are likely and tempers may flare, so keep a weather eye out for people prone to losing their temper. Aggression, discord, enmity and even political manipulations are possible now.

Obstacles and deceptions are a possibility when the Moon forms a square to Neptune at 6:41 AM PDT and it seems to me this morning is best for just sleeping in. While you might experience this as insomnia, you could also experience, lies and overly emotional behavior from others with this aspect.

The Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 1:48 PM PDT and it's game over for important matters after that because the Moon is void of course until 10:26 PM PDT when it enters the watery home of Cancer. All home and family themes and concerns are in focus now, along with nesting, growth, secrets, and psychic sensitivity.

And that's all for Tuesday.

Check out Monday's aspects here if you missed them. And if it's time to take serious action on your personal goals and dreams, but you're not sure which ones will give you the outcomes you desire, schedule a session with me here.

Hoping you enjoy an easy, breezy Tuesday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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