Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

Okay friends, there are some things I thought maybe I should talk about, just to bring you all up to speed about me. So, where to begin?

I am from Los Angeles, born and raised. My Sun is in Leo, conjoined with Uranus, in opposition to my Moon in Aquarius. My Mercury at a critical degree is conjoined with Pluto in Virgo. Neptune in Scorpio conjoins my 8th house cusp ruled by Scorpio. 

I had zero chance at being normal. Absolutely none, whatever normal looks like.

And that was a problem being born into a family of black southeners who became more religious as they got older.

I left home running at 19. I ran all the way to New York. Lived there a year and joined the Air Force and became a military broadcaster. I liked my job though being in the spotlight made me uncomfortable. Now I could sleep onstage. That job was a tremendous gift to me.

I met a guy, in Germany--he was also military. We had two kids and I had the time of my life living in Holland. I still have friends there. 

My oldest went back to Europe as soon as she was old enough and has lived there nearly 20 years.

Oh, I also began learning astrology and the tarot.This was the 80's. I still want my MTV and not whatever reality crap they have on these days. I haven't had cable since the 80's and I don't miss it much. I love smooth jazz and I am pissed about what they did to the local jazz station. Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and all things Tolkien are also my jam.

Can you say nerd? Yeah, I thought you could.

Back in LA I divorced and went to work as a Special Education Assistant. I was attuned to Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki--this was during the late 90's.

About this time all my family members began passing away. My two kids and my nephew are all that is left of my birth family.

In 2006 I left education and began working full time as an astrologer and a divination mistress. I worked for a chain of west coast metaphysical shops. That was where I learned that astrology is basically the filing cabinet for all things Magickal. Crystals, plants, timing, waxing and waning energies. All of that. Boy was I surprised and I had to get up to speed quickly because clients expected me to know things that frankly I had no idea of.

In 2009 I went to work with my best friend who is an amazing personal assistant. I learned to work with Mac computers and to do what personal assistants do. It was eye opening. I was still working off and on for the metaphysical bookshop. The job with my friend ended in early 2016. And it was back to working full time at the bookshop until the end of 2019. I left just as news was popping about Wuhan.

And this is where I have to give a shout out to Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady. She gave a free Zoom call early in 2020 to help those of us metaphysicians who found ourselves suddenly needing to work from home. Frankly, I have always wanted to work from home and her information was priceless. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for helping us the way she did.

And that pretty much brings me up to now. I am an astrologer, divination, mistress, 2nd degree Reiki practitioner and Hermeticist. I love working with holistic health tools like essential oils. I share all of this with you because there's only so much social media posts can contain. And I wanted to open the kimono (did I mention I took Japanese for three years in High School?) up a bit wider so that you know what I can offer to you. I hope to have even more to offer you soon. 

If we haven't yet had a private chat about anything and everything, don't be shy. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. And to be a bigger help in times to come, though I have to admit it's hard to imagine things being more troubling than they have been over the past year here in the states.

Your turn. Drop me a comment or two about yourself. I am looking forward to know you now!


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