Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Thursday 22 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 22 April 2021.

The Moon opposes Jupiter at 12:54 AM PDT and it's like that old song, you can't always get what you want. Especially if what you want has to do with legal situations, travel, dealings with people at or from a distance and even higher education matters might take a bit of a hit. Diplomacy is your best bet for now and wait for the opportune moment to make your move. See the aspects below!

The Moon sextile Mars at 5:05 AM PDT ushers in a void Moon period that lasts until 6:08 AM PDT. Remember to avoid engaging in important matters during the short void period. This Moon transit is great for work that requires analysis or adaptability, employment/ jobs concerns, and all things service oriented.

The Moon forms a trine to the Sun at 11:06 AM PDT and all things intuitive and creativity focused get a big boost now.

Later Venus conjoins Uranus at 6:01 PM PDT and if you're in the right place at the right time you just might meet the love of your life--or perhaps a soul mate, maybe both. Love and money are both blessed by this aspect, so do what you can to take advantage of this vibe.

The Moon trine Mercury at 7:47 PM PDT gives a major boost to all things communications, business, and information oriented.

And things really get electric and exciting when the Moon trines Uranus at 11:57 PM PDT. Shocks and surprises are quite likely, so be prepared. Oh, and about sleep? There may not be a whole lot of it with Uranus on the loose so let. Have a sleep aid handy, just in case.

And that's what Thursday has up it's sleeve. What have you got up your sleeve? And how can I be of service? I would love to help you with your concerns. Schedule a private session with me and let's make some magick--shall we?

Wishing you all kinds of good luck, love and joy my friends. Stay safe and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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