Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Friday 16 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 16 April 2021.

Be ready to burn the midnight oil when the Moon forms a trine to Saturn at 12:52 AM PDT. This is a great time to work on projects that require a lengthy period to finish. And anyone working now will be able to take some serious disciplined action.

Be careful with powerful people when the Sun forms a square to Pluto at 6:27 AM PDT. Obstacles to one's life force and power are likely, so take no risks if you can at all help it. That includes not having run ins with bosses or other people with power.

We run into obstacles and deceptions when the Moon forms a square to Neptune at 8:15 PM PDT. This is a really funky aspect, so if you don't have to be out and about don't! Stay at home and watch a movie or meditate. Seriously.

Mars trine Jupiter at 10:14 PM PDT is not great for sleeping, better for heavy duty working out, but with the previous aspects being as potentially challenging as they have been, work out at home for safety.

And that is the end of what could be a potentially gnarly day.

Ready to make some changes? Why not find out which is the best direction to move in? Schedule a session with me and let's get all the juicy details for you!

Do take care folks, seriously. It's a potentially challenging day--dangerous even; stay safe and I will see you back here tomorrow.


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