Thursday, April 15, 2021

Saturday 17 April 2021

Greetings and welcome friends to your astrological forecast for Saturday 17 April 2021.

We have eight aspects today. Count 'em, yep, eight! So, let's make a start. 

Communications get a gentle boost when the Moon forms a sextile to Mercury at 4:05 AM PDT. Correspondence, business, creativity and intelligence also get a gentle boost from this aspect.

The Moon trine Jupiter at 4:53 AM PDT brings expansion and benefits legal situations, justice, marriage, money and politics to name a few things.

Shortly thereafter,the Moon conjoins Mars and if the last two aspects didn't get you up and moving, this one probably will. Anything that has to do with aggression, action, passon, or goals benefits from this aspect.

The Moon forms a sextile to the Sun at 8:03 AM PDT and then the Moon is void of course. As always, avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon changes signs.

Mercury forms a sextile to Jupiter at 9:00 AM PDT, which ordinarily would give a boost to communications, but the Moon is void, so...😑😑

A bit later Mercury forms a sextile to Mars at 12:09 PM PDT (Mercury and Mars are very popular today), as we have yet another communications aspect wasted since the Moon is void, but do watch out for (passive) aggressive communicators now.

The Moon finally enters its home territory of Cancer at 12:25 PM PDT, and all things home and family are in focus for a couple of days. Also intuition, security concerns and positive attitudes are supported by this transit.

Watch what you say and who you say it to when Mercury forms a square to Pluto at 2:49 PM PDT (Mercury is a busy guy today and appparently looking to get into trouble). The square creates obstacles to power (Pluto) and this frustration could lead to some ugly/dangerous behavior on the part of some folks, so lie low and say nothing to anyone spoiling for a fight.

We end the day with a Moon sextile to Venus at 8:49 PM PDT, so money + love get a slight boost. Activities related to partnership, elegance and happiness also get a gentle boost.

And that's all folk!

So, speaking of home and family, what's going on with growth, home and family these days? Not sure? Could you use a bit of insight? Schedule a session with me and get the information you need to manifest your desires.

Wishing you a smooth ride through Saturday's astral shenanigans and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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