Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Friday 9 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 9 April 2021.

Mercury conjoins Chiron at 12:08 AM PDT and for those who are awake, communications about healing, reading about healing, anything about healing yourself might be a good thing to look into if there are concerns you have about body, mind and spiritual well being.

Obstacles could cause angry outbursts and frustration when the Moon forms a square to Mars at 6:49 AM PDT, so give anger management types a wide berth now.

Meditate and raise your vibration when the Moon conjoins Neptune at 7:04 AM PDT. Dance, art, music and all things religious/spiritual are well supported by this aspect.

Later our tempers could get out of hand again when Mars squares Neptune at 12:18 PM PDT. Deceptions, secrets, and dealings with people less than friendly to you are also a possibility now.

The Moon forms a sextile to Pluto at 4:48 PM PDT and then it is void of course until 11:11 PM PDT when it enters Aries. Anything that requires confidence, independence, passion, and or enterprising energies is well supported by this transit. Just remember to avoid important matters during the void period.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap!

Spring has sprung, what new enterprises are you considering and where could you use a rebirth? Schedule a session with me to find out what avenues look best for you this year!

As always, thanks so much for being here, I appreciate it and you and I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow!


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