Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Saturday 10 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 10 April 2021.

Take disciplined action with communications when Mercury forms a sextile to Saturn at 8:09 AM PDT. If you have communications or writing projects pending, an early start to the day is probably in order.

Love gets a gentle boost when Venus forms a sextile to Jupiter at 11:53 AM PDT. Since this is a gentle boost, keep your expectations relatively simple for now.

And we get another gentle boost for projects that require time to complete or discipline when the Moon forms a sextile to Saturn at 11:00 PM PDT. 

All in all, it's gentle boost day all around, so keep that in mind.

Despite today's aspects, if you're planning on taking major action on your ambitions this year, now is a great time to schedule an appointment to see when to get moving and what to do this year for success.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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