Sunday, April 11, 2021

Monday 12 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 12 April 2021.

We start the day with a gentle expansive boost when the Moon forms a sextile to Jupiter. So you have a bit of support for travel, dealings with people at or from a distance and or legal concerns.

Later, people who like to throw their weight around could cause problems when the Moon forms a square to Pluto at 4:12 AM PDT. Obstinancy, meanness even, is the word for the moment, so I wouldn't try to take any bullies on at this time.

The Moon conjoins Venus at 5:06 AM PDT and then it's void of course. Avoid engaging in anything important until the Moon enters Taurus at 10:44 AM PDT. This transit is great for building things, determination, beauty and luxury. Taurus appreciates luxury...😉

And that's all folks!

Speaking of building, what are you building for this year? How's it going? If you could use some inside information to help you out, schedule a session with me and let's see what's cooking for you in 2021!

As always, I deeply appreciate you being here. If you haven't already checked out my post on retrogrades for 2021, do take a look see as it might help you plan for the year ahead and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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