Saturday, April 10, 2021

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 14 April 2021.

Start the day with a bit of meditation or religious studies when the Moon forms a sextile to Neptune at 7:03 AM PDT. Music, art, dance and movies all get a gentle boost from this aspect as well.

Venus enters Taurus at 11:22 AM PDT and our attention turns to love, money, business, friendship and harmony for this transit. Venus enters Gemini 10 May 2021.

Obstacles to foreign travel, dealings with people at or from a distance, higher education or legal concerns are a possibility when the Moon forms a square to Jupiter at 3:02 PM PDT. If you run into challenges, take a step back and wait for the opportune moment.

The Moon forms a trine to Pluto at 5:00 PM PDT and is then void of course until 11:35 PM PDT when it enters Gemini. As always, avoid engaging in important matters until the void period is over.

Moon in Gemini supports communications, activities in your local area, literature, travel, being witty, versatile, and any type of mental work.

And that's that for Wednesday.

Ready for a change? Not sure what direction to move in? Schedule a session with me and get the information you need to have a phenomenal 2021.

Wishing you a fun, safe day and I will see you back here tomorrow! Happy Wednesday!


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