Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Monday 26 April 2021

Welcome friends to your astrological forecast for Monday 26 April 2021.

Keep a weather eye out for bosses early Monday when the Moon forms a square to Pluto at 4:15 AM PDT. Obstacles/frustrations are likely, but you don't want to push your luck.

The advice I just gave is even more important when the Moon forms a trine to Jupiter at 5:39 AM PDT and then is immediately void of course. The void Moon will create challenges with clarity about what is actually possible and what isn't. Play a very conservative game until the Moon enters Scorpio at 9:18 AM PDT. Issues involving intensity, jealousy, leadership (!), or perception will be in full force during this Moon transit.

And don't forget, today is a Full Moon day too, so people could be pushy/difficult.

The Moon trine Mars at 12:29 PM PDT is a go man go type aspect, adding to the intensity of the vibe of the day. You can get a lot done, especially if it involves physical exertion, taking action, goal achievement, or passion. Just don't allow the energy to devolve into anger/resentment.

The Full Moon arrives at 8:31 PM PDT at seven degrees of Scorpio. If you have planets at or about seven degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus or Leo, this show is for you. Take it easy, and do what you can to avoid situations/people that annoy or frustrate you.

And that, fortunately, is all for Monday.

Did you miss the post for Sunday's aspects or the divination for the week ahead? Catch Sunday's report here and the divination report here.

Need a bit of transformation in your life? Maybe in love, money--or just everything? Schedule a session with me and let's get things moving for you.

Wishing you a great start to the work week and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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