Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 27 April 2021.

Be prepared to be diplomatic with unusual people and or circumstances when the Moon opposes Uranus at 1:51 AM PDT. Things could get weird...

Later a run in with a boss or other person of note could create obstacles and challenges when the Moon opposes Saturn at 5:47 AM PDT. And don't forget yesterday was the Full Moon. People may still be irritable, so take it easy.

Diplomacy with loved ones or money issues is next as the Moon opposes Venus at 10:35 AM PDT. 

In other words, just take it really easy today folks.

Pluto stations retrograde and is particuarly of note to Scorpio's. See my post on retrogrades here. It's everything you need to know about when and who is impacted by the retrogrades now into the beginning of 2022.

Guess what? Diplomacy in communications is next as the Moon opposes Mercury at 1:23 PM PDT. Most effected would be those who are Gemini or Virgo or those who have planets in Gemini or Virgo.Yay.

Lastly, we meditate the stress of the day away when the Moon forms a trine to Neptune at 8:31 PM PDT. Dance, art, music or any spiritually oriented activity is also favored by this aspect.

And that's all for Tuesday. Phew!

Need to have a look at Monday's aspects? You can take a look at them here. And if you're need to see the divination for the week ahead, you will find it here.

We're nearly to May 2021 already and it's not too late to create major transformation in the areas of life that matter most to you. Schedule a session with me and let's get things started for you!

Speaking of transformation, I know a bit about change and making things happen. Check out my story here and I will see you tormorrow!


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