Friday, April 30, 2021

Monday 3 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 3 May 2021.

Brace for impact, this could be a challenging day. We begin with Mercury square Jupiter at 2:33 AM PDT. Obstacles related to legal concerns, people from or at a distance, and or higher education concerns are a possibility now. 

The Sun square Saturn at 3:01 AM PDT throws up challenges with authority figures, ambitions, business, politics, and just plain restrictions.

Later the Moon forms a square to Uranus at 7:52 AM PDT. This one throws a monkey wrench in things related to technology, friends, and stability, to name a few things. 

Restrictions are likely when the Moon forms a conjunction to Saturn at 12:08 PM PDT. See the paragraph above about the Sun/Saturn square for some ideas regarding potential problem areas.

The Last Quarter Moon arrives at 12:50 PM PDT creating obstacles around Uranian themed things, since the Moon is in Uranus ruled Aquarius. So, see the paragraph about the Moon square to Uranus for ideas of what to watch out for.

Lastly, Mercury enters one of its home signs, Gemini at 7:49 PM PDT. Get ready for an increase in communications over the next couple of weeks as we head into Mercury retrograde 29 May.

And I think that's enough for the first day of the work week.

Did you miss my post with Sunday's aspects? You can catch it here and see the divination report for the week here. If you could use some help wrestling challenges to the turf, schedule a session with me here.

Take care, be safe folks and I will see you back here tomorrow.


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