Saturday, May 1, 2021

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 4 May 2021.

Love and money hit the skids when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 8:59 AM PDT. This won't be a good time to gamble financially, nor to take business risks, marry or to push your luck.

Much later the Moon conjoins Jupiter at 5:05 PM PDT and is then immediately void of course. Avoid engaging in important matters during the void period. 

The Moon enter Pisces at 7:08 PM PDT and this transit is good for art, movies, secrets, music, inspiritation and intuition.

The Moon forms a square to Mercury at 10:54 PM PDT putting a crimp in communications, business, contracts, correspondence and finances. So, take it easy for now and wait for a more opportune moment to make your move.

That's it for Tuesday!

If you missed Monday's astrological report you can see it here and you can see this week's divination report here. If you have challenges and could use some intutive insight, schedule a session with me here

Wishing you a happy Moon in Pisces despite the somewhat mixed bag of aspects and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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