Thursday, April 29, 2021

Saturday 1 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 1 May 2021.

A sleep disturbing trine between the Moon and Uranus at 3:12 AM PDT is potentially great for those east of PDT. Download amazing ideas from Universal Mind, enjoy a bit of gaming, tech work or other 'unusual' activities (like astrology) to get the most from this aspect.

The Moon trine the Sun at 4:12 AM PDT aligns our creativity with out intuitive sensibilities. If you have a need to do creative work, you might want to get up early to catch this wave!

The Moon forms a trine to Venus at 9:42 PM PDT which is great for a romantic evening, tasks to beautify oneself, business concerns, art, love, luck and luxury! Have a great time!

Later the Moon forms a sextile to Neptune at 11:16 PM PDT giving a bit of a boost to art, music, dance, meditation and other spiritual pursuits.

And that's all for Saturday--Happy Beltane for those who celebrate!

Got a few aches and pains or other health concerns? Whether you need an old fashioned reading or you could use an energy/health tune up with Reiki, you can schedule all appointments here. And if you missed Friday's aspects, click here to catch up!

Wishing you a fabulous Saturday and I will see you back here tomorrow!

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