Friday, April 30, 2021

Sunday 2 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 2 May 2021!

We have a powerful communications aspect when Mercury trines Pluto at 2:19 AM PDT. To take advantage of this, send your communications out before bedtime, unless you live in Europe! 

More power to ya when the Moon conjoins Pluto at 6:54 AM PDT. Any project that needs an energetic boost would benefit now--keeping in mind this is a waning Moon period. So, no new projects, but if you're already working on something, this aspect puts some rocket fuel in your tank!

The Moon forms a trine to Mercury at 7:38 AM PDT and then is void of course until 12:31 PM PDT when it enters Aquarius. Avoid engaging in important matters during the void period. This Moon transit supports the unusual, sudden shifts/changes, tech work, gaming, friends and group associations.

Spiritual love, music and art get a gentle boost when Venus forms a sextile to Neptune at 3:38 PM PDT. This would be a pretty good time to pull out your favorite movies as well.

And that is all for Sunday!

Did you miss Saturday's aspects? No problem, catch them here! And if you need a reading or some Reiki stress relief I've got you covered here.

Thank you so much for allowing me to do what I love and be of service to you. Wishing you an amazing week and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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