Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Saturday 24 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Saturday 24 April 2021.

The Moon trines Pluto at 3:50 AM PDT and then is void of course until 9:06 AM PDT when it enters the balanced arena of Libra. Focus on keeping your equilibrium, being diplomatic, fashion and partnerships for best effect during this Moon transit.

This is especially so since next up to bat is a square between the Moon and Mars at 10:19 AM PDT. People may be short tempered, so this is probably not the time to pick a fight. But wait, there's more...

Venus squares Saturn at 9:21 PM PDT putting up blocks in love and money situations. So, don't live extravagantly now either. Think disciplined and even tightwad energies for the time being.

And that's all for Saturday.

If you're having difficulty getting love matters to line up well for you and if you're ready to take action to turn things around in 2021. Schedule a session with me here. Together let's see what options might be available to you that you are missing.

Thanks for being here. As always you are deeply appreciated and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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