Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Friday 23 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 23 April 2021.

Love is still in focus when the Moon forms a trine to Venus at 12: 30 AM PDT. Money benefits from this aspect, as do business affairs, luck, friendship and money. So, make hay while the aspects shine! As my gamer son would say, sleep is for the weak! 😂

Mars enters Cancer at 4:49 AM PDT and things could become really busy around the home front during this transit. Be on the lookout for family members who have a short fuse now too.

The Moon in opposition to Neptune could spell some sort of deceptive behavior or unclear situations that require you to be diplomatic. Diplomacy isn't the same as allowing yourself to be taken advantage of though. Just sayin'.

Mercury conjoins Uranus at 11:42 PM PDT and late night conversations could be thrilling, electrifying even. It may be worth it to lose sleep. Gamers should probably hop on this and those of us who spend time on social media platforms may not get much rest either. 😆

It's all good though, right?

And that's it for Friday. 

So, how can I be of service to you? Do you need a reading, or is there something I can do on this blog that would be of more help to you? Let me know in the comments please and thank you. And if you do need to have a private session, you can schedule yourself here

Here's hoping you have an outstanding Friday. Catch you tomorrow! 😉


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