Friday, April 16, 2021

Sunday 18 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Sunday 18 April 2021.

We have a twofer today that starts with a Moon sextile to Uranus at 8:18 AM PDT. This might not be the best aspect for sleeping in, as some surprises or shocks could occur, but we will also get a gentle boost for all things tech and it's also good for astrology!

The Sun conjoins Mercury at 6:49 PM PDT and creativity + communications get a BIG boost. If you're thinking about writing the greatest novel of your time, this aspect is great for the writing kickoff!

And guess what? That's all folks!

So, how is 2021 treating you? Still not sure what figurative crops you should be planting/growing this year? Schedule a session with me and let's see what wants to grow for you this year.

Take care, have a great start to the new week and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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