Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 28 April 2021.

We kick off the day with a discipline power oriented sextile between the Moon and Pluto at 3:38 AM PDT. This is a gentle boost, not one that gives Herculean strength, so keep that in mind.

The Moon forms a square to Jupiter at 5:31 AM PDT and then is void of course. As always, avoid engaging in important matters until the Moon changes signs, which it does at 8:42 AM PDT when it enters Sagittarius. Foreign travel, dealings with people at or from a distance, higher education concerns and legal matters all receive a boost during this Moon transit.

And that's a wrap for Wednesday.

Ready to take on new ambitious adventures? Not sure which adventures would be best for you?Schedule a session with me here. And if you need to peep Tuesday's aspects, take a look here.

I want to thank the lovely people who have made comments and thanked me for the work I do here. I deeply appreciate it. And if you decide to leave a comment, just know they won't post until I sign off on them. Someone posted and I missed it. So sorry about that, but I will keep my eyes open from now on!

Enought chatter, thanks so much for joining me here. And have a wonderful Wednesday! 💜


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