Friday, May 7, 2021

Monday 10 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 10 May 2021.

The Moon sextile Mars at 2:12 PM PDT gives a bit of an energetic boost for those who need to get things done. Anything that requires endurance, drive, working towards goals such as sports or aggressive action benefits from this aspect--but gently. This isn't a play all out aspect.

Later gamers, astrologers, and techie types benefit from a Moon/Uranus trine at 3:35 PM PDT. There could also be surprising news, shocks and surprises with this aspect.

Mercury sextile Chiron at 7:44 PM PDT offers a window of opportunity to read up on psychology, talk with a therapist or other helping/healing modalities. 

You might want to get your healing work done before this aspect hits because shortly thereafter (7:55 PM PDT) the Moon forms a square to Saturn and things could become pretty restricted due obstacles or other challenges. Do your healing work as early as you can and then call it a day.

And that's all for Monday!

Did you see this week's divination report? No? You will find it here. Need to see Sunday's aspects? I've got you covered here! And if you're in need of some stress relief of a reading, schedule your session here.

Wishing a peaceful start to the work week and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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