Saturday, May 8, 2021

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Tuesday 11 May 2021.

The New Moon arrives Tuesday at 12:00 PM PDT ushering in a time to work on new manifestations that include topics like money, love, beauty, stability and inner peace.

Later the Moon sextile Neptune at 2:47 PM PDT supports our metaphysical and spiritual pursuits including meditation and prayer, but also art, compassion, endings, justice, music, romance and psychic awareness.

Mars square Chiron at 4:53 PM PDT suggests we may run into obstacles to our intentions for healing, or just plain difficult people--and this could trigger difficult emotions. Practice excellent self care now.

Mars sextile Uranus at 7:48 PM PDT creates an interesting combination of action, hot tempers, and off the wall behavior. Handle anger management types with kid gloves and if you're the anger management type, you might want to engage in something therapeutic like meditation--or even gaming if you're into it.

We have a power surge when the Moon trines Pluto at 11:07 PM PDT, not that great for sleeping. The lunar cycle is new, so launch that thing you have been keeping under wraps, or just take ambitious, aggressive action on your goals and desires now.

And that's a wrap for Tuesday. If you missed my post for Monday's aspects, you'll find it here. And if there's any way I can be of service to you by adding to my offerings or blog work, either schedule a session with me here, or post a comment on this blog to let me know what else you would like me to provide.

Wishing you an amazing New Moon day and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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