Thursday, May 27, 2021

Saturday 29 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to the astrological forecast for Saturday 29 May 2021.

The Moon in opposition to Mars at 7:36 AM PDT could see some people in an irritable mood. Diplomacy is your best option because if you engage them, it could be all out war.

A little meditation when the Moon forms a sextile to Neptune at 9:13 AM PDT helps the day go more smoothly, especially after that last aspect. Art, music, dance and movies are also supported by that aspect.

The Moon forms a conjunction to Pluto at 3:15 PM PDT and then is immediately void of course until 9:04 PM PDT when it enters Aquarius. Technological work, gaming, hanging out with friends and or group associates, astrology and anything that requires quick thinking will be supported by this Moon transit. Note also that Mercury stations retrograde at 3:34 PM PDT--before the Moon enters Aquarius. This Mercury retrograde could be very interesting to say the least...back up all your electronics!

And that's all for Saturday.

Need to take a look at Friday's aspects--they're actually quite nice! See them here. And if you could use some help solving a personal dilemma, schedule a private session with me here.

Happy weekend to you and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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