Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Friday 28 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 28 June 2021.

We have a short and sweet forecast that begins late in the day with a Moon trine to Uranus at 3:22 PM PDT. Get ready for shocks, surprises, hanging out with friends (are you vaccinated?) not to mention gaming and tech fun!

Mercury conjoins Venus at 10:13 PM PDT and you can spend the final hours of the day hanging out and talking with those you love. 

And that's a wrap for Friday.

Did you miss Thursday's aspects--there's a ton of them and a void Moon (they are not very nice ones), you can catch them here. And if you need to catch me for a chat about career, business success, or how you can attain stability, then schedule a session with me here

Wishing you a wonderful, Uranian fun filled Friday and I will see you here tomorrow!


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