Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Thursday 27 May 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 27 May 2021.

Handle love and money matters with diplomacy when the Moon opposes Venus at 7:43 AM PDT. Contracts, business concerns, personal luck and intimate relationships should all be handled in a similar fashion.

Obstructions, obstacles and deceptions are a possibility when the Moon squares Neptune at 8:06 AM PDT. Give all offers time for consideration and avoid starting new projects today.

The Moon opposes Mercury at 10:35 AM PDT and is then void of course and you can see why I said starting new projects would be problematic. The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:23 PM PDT and this transit is great for ambitions, business dealings, and projects that require time or discipline. After the weird aspect that follows and once the Moon is no longer void, that is.

To add to potential confusion around love and money matters, Venus squares Neptune at 12:25 PM PDT. Be content to wait until the Moon leaves void status and a bit more clarity arrives.

We get a little boost of expansiveness when the Moon forms a sextile to Jupiter at 9:31 PM PDT. Handle minor details related to legal concerns, foreign travel, dealings with people at or from a distance and higher education concerns. 

And that's a wrap for Thursday!

Need to take a look at Wednesday's aspects? You will find them here. And if it's time to take a closer look at career concerns, issues involving bosses, or even your stability and current priorities, schedule a session with me here.

Wishing you an easy path through today's aspects and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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