Friday, May 28, 2021

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Wednesday 2 June 2021.

We waste no time getting into things as the Last Quarter Moon arrives at 12:24 AM PDT (at 11 degrees of Pisces). Secrets, hidden concerns, spirit communication and intuitive inspiration are all a possibility now. If you're awake, of course.

If you're still up really early you can also get in some gaming or tech work--and maybe a surprise or two when the Moon forms a sextile to Uranus at 1:21 AM PDT.

Working on healing yourself could be a thing when the Sun conjoins Chiron at 4:23 AM PDT. Whatever your favorite self healing modalities are--and provided you're awake, now is a good time to engage in them.

Venus enters Cancer at 6:18 AM PDT and our love nature turns to home, family and security concerns now.

Meditation, art, dance, and movies all get the green light when the Moon conjoins the ruler of Pisces, Neptune at 9:31 PM PDT. 

And then we run into communications snarls when the Moon forms a square to Mercury at 11:24 PM PDT. So, maybe we just call it a day, eh?

Wishing you had some idea what the aspects for Tuesday are? Check them out here. And if you're ready to see what kind of luck awaits you in the second half of 2021, schedule a session with me here

Wishing you an awesome Moon in Pisces day (can you tell I like Moon in Pisces days?) and I will see you back here tomorrow! 


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