Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Thursday 3 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological Thursday forecast for 3 June 2021.

A sleep depriving trine between the Moon and Mars hits at 1:08 AM PDT. Great for any activity that requires exertion, passion, speed, aggression, or defense--so it will be great for nightshift folks. The rest of us might want to have a sleep aid on hand. 

The Moon forms a sextile to Pluto at 4:10 AM PDT and is then void of course. It enters Aries at 10:59 AM PDT. Avoid engaging in important activities during the void period. The same activities that were good for our earlier Mars aspect will also work here. As will any activity that requires charisma, initiative, leadership or optimism.

Sun trine Saturn at 12:05 PM PDT puts a disciplining edge on our creative and romantic activities. Since the Moon is waning I woudn't creatively ask the boss for a raise or start a new project, but I might attend to business details in a creative manner or perhaps look at creative ways to consolidate projects at a later date.

Love and money run into obstacles when the Moon forms a square to Venus at 2:09 PM PDT. This isn't an ideal time to take risks or to start an argument with a loved one. Some quiet time alone or with a loved one is probably the best way to pass the time now...

And that's because we have a stellar Venus trine to Jupiter at 4:33 PM PDT! Now you can blow out all the stops romantically, get creative, work on a bit of art or begin to plan business projects. Just don't send them out into the world until after the next New Moon--and after Mercury is no longer retrograde (unless Mercury is retrograde in your birth chart, then fire away).

And that is all for Thursday. 😊

Wondering what we have going on aspect wise Wednesday? You can check that out here and if you need to look at more personal concerns, schedule a session with me here.

Wishing you an awesome Thursday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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