Friday, June 4, 2021

Divination 6 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your divination report for the week of 6 June 2021.

It's going to be an interesting week for thieves, but we begin with an attempt to have peace via forethought and that being key (lilies, ship, key). A change in their longevity occurs because of a letter or document (stork, tree, letter). This leaves the thief/thieves confused about either their power or the power of whoever is looking at their documents (mice, clouds, bear). And apparently what's in the document(s) or letter(s) is pretty powerful too, but probably in a way that the thief finds unhelpful (key, letter, bear).

The thief/thieves intended to create peace, longevity and power (lilies, tree, and bear). Good luck with that.

Hopefully you have much better luck than the thieves next week. 

Need to see Sunday's aspects? Check them out here. If you wonder how your luck is running, schedule a session with me here.

Wishing you a wonderful week and I will see you here next week.

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