Friday, June 4, 2021

Monday 7 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Monday 7 June 2021.

We start with a potentially sleep disturbing conjunction between the Moon and Uranus at 12:39 AM PDT. Maybe a little late night gaming or tech work is to blame, but if it's work, at least you're getting things done. This aspect could also create surprises, shocks and challenges for night shift workers.

If you do stay up late, you could run into obstacles thanks to a square between the Moon and Saturn at 1:51 AM PDT. Night shift workers may find they're short a couple of hands or some other challenge presents, possibly with a boss. Hopefully the rest of us are blissfully asleep and unaware.

Much later the Moon forms a sextile to Neptune at 9:46 PM PDT. Perhaps this is the universe's peace offering for the Uranus aspect earlier today. This aspect gives a gentle boost to sleep, art, movies, dance and music--and psychic work.

And that's a wrap for Monday.

Looking for the divination report for this week? Check it out here. And if you need Sunday's aspects, you will find them here. Have a money, love or business problem and need some personal insight? You can schedule a session for yourself here.

Wishing you a wonderful start to the work week, no matter what, and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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