Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Friday 11 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 11 June 2021.

The Moon finally jumps into Cancer at 12:22 AM PDT Friday. Activities related to home and family, emotions, intuition and psychic work are supported by this Moon transit.

Later the Moon trine Jupiter at 4:28 AM PDT offers opportunities for expansion. You can also deal with foreign travel matters, dealings with people at or from a distance, higher education and anything related to legal concerns.

Mars enters Leo and it's about to get hot! Leo works well with issues of charisma, fame, determination and leadership. Mars works well with aggressiveness, ambition, beginnings and determination/strength. Combined they are a powerful one, two punch. Yes, we have retrogrades, but you can lay the foundation for your success now and work from that foundation the rest of the year.

The Moon conjoins Venus at 11:59 PM PDT bringing a romantic vibe to our later evening hours. This is a good time for joy, kindness, love luck and desire. Have fun folks! 😍

And that's going to do it for Friday.

Speaking of love, if you're looking to find out what the planets have to offer you this year, schedule a session with me here. And if you would like to check out Thursday's aspects (there's a lot going on, including both a solar eclipse and a New Moon), check it all out here.

Wishing you a fantastic Friday friends and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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