Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Thursday 10 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 10 June 2021.

We begin with an Annular Solar Eclipse at 3:41 AM PDT, shortly thereafter followed by the New Moon in Gemini at 3:53 AM PDT (at 25 degrees of Gemini). So, it is a season of new beginnings...but...

Keep in mind this is also retrograde season. This is something I mentioned on Instagram and Facebook. Mercury (Gemini and Virgo) and Saturn (Capricorn) are retrograde and Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Neptune (old school Sagittarius/Pisces) will soon follow suit. Starting new projects, now is probably a no go. And don't anticipate that you can work around a Saturn retrograde of all things. So, it's rather a zero sum game. Yes, it's a new beginning, but we have a New Moon/beginning every month. If you watch carefully your challenges don't go away every New Moon, or even after a Solar Eclipse--not to mention every lunar eclipse--which is an ending. And in part that is because at any point one of the slower moving planets--or even a faster one, may be retrograde + stirring up challenges and forcing you to expand your way of thinking/doing things. 

So, if you see this eclipse as the ultimate reset, do your affirmations, prayers or magickal working with reasonable expectations. Forward...

The Moon conjoins Mercury at 5:37 AM PDT which is great if you're east of PDT and have some important communications you want to make. Keep in mind that a New Moon is flat energy--not the high energy of a Full Moon, so don't anticipate rockets going off or major changes. But you can get the ball rolling on new projects, sort of--if you don't have super high expectations (remember our retrogrades).

The Moon forms a square to Neptune at 10:37 AM PDT and then is immediately void of course. And the Moon won't enter Cancer till Friday at 12:22 AM PDT. It's a great time for general cleaning up, but avoid engaging in important matters until Friday aftet the Moon changes signs.

We have what would have been a wonderful creative aspect for communications when the Sun conjoins Mercury at 6:13 PM PDT, but alas with a void Moon there isn't a whole lot of important work that can be done for now. Enjoy a movie or a good book maybe.

And that's all for Thursday.

Speaking of retrogrades, if you need to take a look at which planet is retrograde when, you will find that information here. Need to take a look at Wednesday's aspects? You will find them here. And if your own personal plans and goals are stymied and you could use some clarity, schedule a session with me. I look forward to being of service.

Wishing you a peaceful and successful Thursday and I will see you back here tomorrow!


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