Monday, June 21, 2021

Friday 25 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Friday 25 June 2021.

The Universe sends us a wake up call when the Moon forms a trine to Uranus at 4:04 AM PDT. Be prepared for shocks, surprises (especially since the Full Moon was yesterday; things may just now be coming to light) and other shenanigans. Ingenious ideas could also be popping now. It might just be worth it to get up early...

Brace for impact Pisceans as your planetary ruler Neptune stations retrograde at 12:21 PM PDT. This could stall projects related to art, justice, music and mysticism, so be prepared to wait things out if need be. Check out the upcoming retrogrades here.

Later the Moon sextile Neptune at 7:51 PM PDT is in the mix and again, projects/situations related to art, justice, music, and mysticism could be highlighted. There may be a need to withdraw and ruminate or conversely to be open with others regarding your emotional/intuitive insights. Your call.

I think that's enough for today...

Did you miss Thursday's Full Moon aspects? See them here. And if the Full Moon has caught you in its sights and you could use some divination or astrology help, schedule with me here.

Sometimes the days after the Full Moon are the most challenging...wishing you peace then and now and I will see you back here tomorrow.


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