Monday, June 21, 2021

Thursday 24 June 2021

Greetings friends and welcome to your astrological forecast for Thursday 24 June 2021.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 6:05 AM PDT and our focus switches to being stone cold, all business, mature and prudent--with perhaps a side order of prosperity to go!

The Moon sextile Jupiter gives a gentle expansion boost to foreign travel, dealings with people at or from a distance, higher education/legal concerns.

And the star of the day--the Capricorn Full Moon, clocks in at 11:40 AM PDT. Prosperity issues, situations that require self-disciline or study, wisdom wit and business are really in focus now.

That's a wrap for Thursday folks!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed or under the weather? Try a distance Reiki session here. When you get to the appointment page, be sure to check out my info about Reiki so you know what to expect and how to proceed. I look forward to serving you. 

Don't need/want healing, but could use an astrology or divination session? Schedule with me here.
And if you need a refresher on Wednesday's aspects, you will find them here.

Wishing you an easy passage through Thursday's Full Moon energies and I will see you here tomorrow!


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